In 2012 I wanted to express a dream I had as a child. I did a color pencil drawing of it first, then in time it became something I would tell the kids. I becan writing after listening to many audiobooks. I thought, “I can tell stories like that.” wrote the story, went on and wrote four more novels, and now I’m working on number six. A ghost story, well to be accurate, sixteens ghosts in a story.
Each of my novels have evolved as a series of their own. As the characters change old ones pop up in the most unexpected places. I can’t wait until the sequel for Elysium gets done. It’s a battle for God on Earth.
But that will have to wait. For now I’m interested in my baby, the story that started it all and brings together a cast of characters from the Tumb of Michigan and a few Detroit and Ann Arbor folk too.
As we face the darkest hours of mankind again, I hope we do not enter another dark ages. My heart tells me I cam from that period, or perhaps just at the end, when art and music and life began to carry us on. A Renaissance of sorts.
Try to understand why I write and draw. As a child I felt a calling. I asked myself if I should become a preacher, and self said no a teacher. I joke about the fact that I became an artist. That’s what it means to have ADHA and an active imagination. You could say I was special… like the teenagers in the Elysium novel. Kevin Carpenter is my interpritation of a wonder young son of an old friend.
The places are real the people are my creation. I hope you enjoy them, and I’m sorry I can’t presently afford an Editor. Buy a ton of books, send cash donations, and help me make these books more than a dream.
Love you, and let the revolution begin, on Elysium. God’s first home for his humans.